"“Don’t worry,” he said. “I’ll give it (tweeting) up after I’m president.”
I don’t know whether he was kidding about it"
Not even you know when he's joking and when not, and you expect everyone else to?
"he did no such thing. Why would he?"
Because he's supposed to do presidenting and not manipulating his voter base
"I just spent an entire chapter going over the massive mainstream media machine that wakes up every morning with the intent of destroying my father. They use every last drop of their resources to spread lies about him, embarrass him in public, and impede his agenda with Democrat propaganda and talking points. Is my father just supposed to sit back and take that?"
He's supposed to ignore it. Just like every president before him, and most after him. Presidents should be busy governing, and not getting their knickers in twist over what anyone says about them.
President Obama wasn't jumping all over Twitter whining about people attacking him and his family.
And, believe me, "the massive mainstream media machine" was worse on him than your dad.
"Twitter is the only way he has of reaching out to the American people"
Oh? Somehow the other presidents managed quite fine without Twitter.
"Next to traveling around the country to talk to real working-class people and listen to their concerns, interacting with them on Twitter is the best way for my father to stay in touch with voters."
"Interacting with them"? You mean retweeting white supremacist propaganda, Right Wing Fundamentalist lies, and conspiracy theories?
"Most of the time, for me at least, scrolling through my feed involves sorting through death threats, a whole encyclopedia of swear words, and comparisons of me to everything from excrement to an extraterrestrial before I can get to my news stories. But it wasn’t always that way."
Gee, I wonder what changed it...
(Besides, what happened with "just words"?
To paraphrase one of your dad's supporters: "I would like to second whatever anyone says to you that is offensive, racist, misandric, cisphobic, christophobic, antifascist, or just basically anything that hurts your feelings and offers your tender sensibilities. I hope it made you grind your teeth.")
"Believe it or not, there was a time when social media was fun. I think it was probably around the tail end of the second (and final, I hope) Bush presidency, when the flip phone was the coolest thing around and my friend Kid Rock’s “All Summer Long” played all summer long."
"Every once in a while, when I knew there was something engaging or funny coming on an episode of the show (The Apprentice), I would send out something called a “tweet” about it."
Let's look at the timeline...
George W. Bush was the president from January 20th 2001 to January 20th 2009
My mom (born 1935) had a clamshell phone. Back in 2008.
Kid Rock's All Summer Long was released 2008. I don't remember ever hearing it, though they say it was #3 of Sweden's top list 2008, and I listened a lot of music back then... I listened to it, now, and all I can remember is Werewolves of London and Sweet Home Alabama. Oh, and "Summer of -69" by Bryan Adams.
The Apprentice was launched 2004, and Donald Trump jr. joined the fun 2006.
Twitter was created 2006, junior joined May 2009.
"On February 7, 2013, my father tweeted a criticism of President Obama:
Obama can kill Americans at will with drones but waterboarding is not allowed—only in America!
Then one of the many liberals on the internet who was attacking him in the comments section wrote, “If you hate America so much, you should run for president and fix things.”
My father sent back: “Be careful!”
Obviously, they weren’t careful. They kept hitting him and hitting him, making him more and more fed up, until eventually he would have no choice but to run. See, liberals? You should have stayed quiet!"
Oh, poor you! No choice but to run! Because Russell Steinberg (whoever that is) said "maybe you should run for president and fix things." What a horrible thing to say! Such an unfair and unconscionable attack!
And after you just spend several pages on explaining how he had been at least thinking about it since 1999, but sure. It was all Russell Steinberg's fault. Though you should be thanking him. Did you even send him a thank you note for his elementary push to make Trump the president?
But, seriously, Obama was killing terrorists with drones, not Americans, and Righties whine?
There's a lot to complain about that, but nothing a Right winger would mind. It's against the International Laws, it's against his stance on targeted assassination, it might not be the smartest thing to do, because terrorists are like hydra, when you cut off one head, it spouts ten new ones, and every new one is worse than the one you just cut off.
Also, how did Trump "fix this", when he became the president? In no what so ever manner. He uses targeted assassination himself, and no-one whines.
And this was the result of Trump's first raid:
White House Says 'No American Citizen Will Ever Be Targeted' After 8-Year-Old Girl Dies in Yemen
By 2016, he had 6 million followers, and I had just over a million. My father and I had never seen anything like it."
And now you have 6.4 million followers, your dad 88.6 million, and Barack Obama 127 million followers. You got yours mostly by talking crap about other people, and he speaking about things that are important to him.
"If you don’t believe me, just look at the explosion of populist candidates around the world after he was elected. You think he had something to do with that?"
Er... You seem to think "populist" means something positive... it doesn't. And it has been going on for some while now. You just haven't noticed it. So, no, he didn't have something to do with that, he is the symptom of the same disease those other populist candidates are.
"I can’t go a couple of hours without taking a peek at my Twitter timeline."
I'm sorry to tell you that you have a problem, but don't worry, there's help.
"As vile as the comments can get (and believe me, they can get pretty vile)"
Yes, they can. But they are just words, aren't they.
I have been called all kinds of things, and I'm just a nobody. I got a bit worried when they threatened to doxx me and send things, and I was having nightmares about our dog fetching the post and it exploding in his mouth. Thankfully it was just empty yapping, like most of it is. I would have expected you to receive worst things than corn starch in mail.
BTW, could you point out some of the vilest tweets you have ever received? Because Twitter must have removed them, I can't find anything vile.
"Only instead of being addicted to molecules such as alcohol or nicotine, we’re addicted to being outraged."
You write about it, but you don't seem to understand how it applies to you...
"Even if I tweet something that’s relatively benign — say, a Merry Christmas message, the Twitter mob will find a way to attack me for it."
Let me guess, your "Merry Christmas message was something in style "Merry Christmas to you all, even though it will make some liberals crazy"? Like:
Do you see any difference in responses when you just post a nice photo of your family, and don't make it about politics, and when you make it about politics? How much of the comments have been deleted?
Uh, doesn't matter.
Next Christmas, go read the other first children's Christmas messages, and the responses.
"I swear, these people are better than any intelligence agency in the world at bringing up old tweets and twisting them around to ruin somebody’s life."
Not as good as the righties. You invent things, when you can't find anything. Like Ilhan Omar allegedly marrying her brother just to sneak into USA. (Again, total bullshit. Go and fact check it.)

"Just look at what happened recently to the conservative political commentator Tucker Carlson, who years ago used to call in to a shock jock radio show. Liberals took his words out of context and applied them to today’s norms and frame of reference."
Er... Tucker Carlson is my age, and I stand fast with what I said 10 years ago. So I am going to hold him responsible for what he said 10 years ago as well. It wasn't just some kid having fun, it was a middle-aged man and a father, knowingly discussing things in a radio show.
His words were not taken "out of context", and I do hope today's norms and frame of reference still condemns child marriages.
Do you really think those girls whom Warren Jeffs arranged marriages for, consented to it well knowing what it meant? Do you think they were even asked?
"Bubba: "I've not been able to find anybody that has the same stance as you.
Tucker Carlson: Well that's because nobody has the balls to articulate it because everyone is afraid of what people are going to say. I'm not endorsing polygamy. My -- here's my point: If a guy wants to be polygamist, that's kind of his business."
I don't mind polygamy, as long as it's between consenting adults, but I very much mind even monogamy when one of the people being married is a child. It doesn't matter if you are Christian, Muslim or something else, American or something else, you just don't marry children!
"Carlson also said it was “pointless to try to explain how the words were spoken in jest, or taken out of context, or in any case bear no resemblance to what you actually think, or would want for the country.”"
Especially when the words were not spoken in jest, taken out of context, and there is no what so ever reason to believe that he was lying in the radio show. Totally pointless. But - they try, and their supporters will "believe" them, as long as they are talking about people their supporters hate. He was very adamant insisting that "it isn't that bad". Go ahead and arrange marriages to underaged girls, it's OK because the husband will take care of the girl!
I'm sure Tucker Carlson knows some nice guy who will marry Kai, and it should be totally fine with you, as long as the guy is hard-working, rich and Conservative. If you are not OK with it, maybe admit that Tucker Carlson IS an asshole with horrible ideas and opinions?
Sure, he's totally free to express them as much as he wants to, but so is everyone else to express their opinion on him.

"The same thing happened to me on the Opie and Anthony radio show"
Opie & Anthony - Donald Trump Jr. In Studio (3-1-2013)
Donald Trump Jr: Women Who Can’t ‘Handle’ Harassment ‘Don’t Belong In The Workforce’
“I’m of that mindset . . . if you can’t handle some of the basic stuff that’s become a problem in the workforce today, then you don’t belong in the workforce. Like, you should go maybe teach kindergarten. I think it’s a respectable position. But you should - you can't be negotiating billion dollars deals if you can't handle... there is a place where we have to draw a line, but like today, this stuff you can get into trouble for..."
How was that taken out of context? Was it a joke?
The people who get you into trouble are usually the people who can handle it, but why should they need to, when you can function quite well being civil and not throwing sexually loaded comments? If you can't, maybe you don't belong in the workforce. Or among human beings.
"Only liberals get to turn around and say there were joking when they get called out".
Oh, your supporters are very quick to forgive you. You can also do a Tucker and get really upset and try to shout down the critique. Which is what most of you do.
Of course you wouldn't know, because you aren't liberal, but your side can be just as fit-throwing freaks as anyone.
Ilhan Omar belongs to the same generation as you. She's about the same age as Ivanka. She is also an immigrant who has made something of herself, speaks English, and is a mother. She is also a congresswoman. Show some respect.
I also don't think it's prudent to compare democratically elected congresswomen to cyberterrorists, what ever you think about them. Cyberterrorism is a real thing, and not to be used frivolously about people talking about things you don't want to hear. Ilhan Omar and AOC has never gotten even close to "igniting mass anger and gaslighting" like your dad does on an ordinary afternoon.
Also, a single person posting a few thousand tweets about an issue... that doesn't happen often.
Yes, you are exaggerating, and you know it.
Let's take Roseanne Barr.
"all because of a late-night nonsense tweet that barely anyone could understand"Didn't you get it? I did.
The tweet was:
"Muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby = vj" (Valerie Jarrett). Roseanne Barr was very good about it, apologized and it should have been fine, but the Right loves to compare black people, especially women, to apes, and we are tired of that. So when someone STILL hasn't learned and tries to be funny by comparing a black woman to an ape, there's zero tolerance. How ever much you try to apologize, set things right, claim it was "just a joke" - the truth is that if you can't control your racism when you are tired - or your antisemitism when you are drunk - then it's not that you aren't a racist, it's that you manage to control your racism most of the time.
I don't start blubbering things from thin air when I'm drunk, tired, have high fever, am under influence of some medication. Everything I say comes from what's inside me. I have never in my life said black people look like gorillas, because I don't think they do. I have never said the Jews control the media and economy, because I don't think they do. I might be saying things about Americans, pro-Palestinians, fascists, Righties, I wouldn't say if I was sober and in full possession of my faculties, but the reason why I don't usually say them is not because I don't think that, it's because it's not PC to say them.
But, Roseanne Barr didn't excuse her words in any way, she explained the lapse of control. For that I have all the respect to her.
Yes, cancel culture can be bad, but people expressing their opinion on what people say and do is not cancel culture. Making someone's bad behavior trending on the social medias - there are still people like me who go and check the claims. Roseanne Barr made a mistake and apologized. Good for her. I don't think they should have canceled her show.
Donald Trump sr. didn't say "there are good people on both sides" meaning White Supremacists.
Tucker Carlson did say he doesn't see anything wrong with child marriages, and when he was caught, he didn't apologize, explain that he has changed, or said he understood what he said was wrong and why, no, he had a shitstorm where he raged over everyone else... kind of like this book. You get caught trying to buy information about your political opponent from a foreign country and then write this book...
Donald Trump jr. did say what he was accused of in the radio show, BUT he also said "there is a place where we have to draw a line", meaning that sexual harassment is not OK. Also, he didn't mean women in general shouldn't be working in business. He has expressed several times his admiration to several women in business, and there are women working in Trump org. who don't feel being harassed or belittled, so I say the storm over that radio show was overreaction.
And so on and so forth.
I won't be waiting for the same uprightness from a Republican. You will never admit overreacting and lying, even when proven to have done that. You'll just whine about people having misunderstood your words or what ever.

"But she’s conservative and was on television being pro-Trump. In Hollywood, that’s a capital crime."
There's plenty of Hollywood conservatives, even though they are a minority, and most people have nothing against them. Some do, of course, but there are Conservatives who choose which authors to read, which songs to listen, which movies to watch by the political leaning of the artists. You should have seen people's reaction on Chris Evans voicing his liberal opinions. They were crying on his twitter, begging him not to say such horrible things, because they used to love him, and now can't.
I love Robert Davi, even though he's Conservative.
"The same goes for Kevin Hart, who made a few allegedly homophobic jokes during a stand-up comedy special that came out just under a decade ago. For years, no one had cared about those jokes. Comedy used to be funny because we were able to poke fun at things we held dear. Then, once it was announced that Hart was going to host the Oscars, the Hollywood SJW mob started cranking out the outrage tweets like crazy. They followed the playbook that I’ve described above to a T. Within days, Hart had succumbed to the online mob and agreed to step away from the gig."
Well... no. It didn't go down quite like that.
Where Are Kevin Hart’s Past Apologies? An Investigation
"Every day brings a new list of people who’ve been shut down by the online outrage mob, and every day the mob has to stretch itself further and further to get people worked up. It has to create new rules for what’s considered offensive, new ways for people to break those rules, and even stranger punishments for when they do. It must be exhausting. But if they’re going to survive, it’s necessary. You just can’t sustain that level of outrage without expending an enormous amount of energy to come up with things to be outraged about."
I have been talking about some pretty inflammatory subjects online for the past 20 years. People have tried to shut me down. People have called me all kinds of things. People have arranged campaigns to both instigate others against me, and to spread lies about me and what I have said. I have been blocked, shut out, my posts have been deleted, but I have never been silenced. I don't need to speak on your profile, in your group, on your site. I don't even need an audience. I don't think a lot of people are reading this, if any.
So, if people allow themselves to be shut down, it's on them.
In the end it really is "I can't speak WHERE I want and have audience, too!" Yep. You can't. Was that a surprise to you? Freedom of speech only guarantees you can speak, it doesn't allow you to do that whenever, wherever, to whom ever.
Ask yourself how exhausting it is to get upset over stupid things, of which half aren't even true. You have even written books about those things. You are getting a career in getting outraged and upset about imaginary things. "Give me a break" is your motto.
"You just don’t see conservatives — even the younger ones who know how social media works — using the same organized mob tactics used by left-wing SJWs."
They are using the disorganized mob tactics. You use hashtags, and you tweet. Especially your dad.
Let me remind you of the Dixie Chicks controversy.
"We believe in freedom of speech for everyone, not just the people we agree with."
Yeah, sure :-D
Google Olga Perez Stable Cox. I'm sure you'll come up with a slew of exemptions.

"Beyond that, it’s really just the same stuff we’ve been talking about for years: free markets, capitalism, Judeo-Christian values, and personal responsibility."Personal responsibility?
"He said something horrible." "No he didn't!" "We have it on video" "No, you don't, it's a fake video!"
"Whenever conservatives get into an online scrap with someone, it’s usually to defend one of the things I just mentioned." I don't think you have ever gotten into an online scrap with someone... I have a suggestion. You think you know how the lefties think. Create yourself a #Resistance account, and go join the liberals ripping someone a new one about something not about free market, capitalism, Judeo-Christian values, and personal responsibility. I suggest gun control, women's rights and Joe Biden. If you don't know what to say, just copy some tweets from your opponents and adjust them to fit the theme, and then see what happens.
There are bedrock values in the far-left social justice warrior movement. Social justice. Why do you think it's called that way? Civil and human rights. Equality for everyone. You and me. To you it just feels like you lose something, when you are standing on place and everyone else takes a step forward... you are totally missing that they have been standing behind you. And not because you have been working harder than they, because you know it's not true. Or probably you don't know...
"We either win or lose that fight, and when the fight is over, we’re pretty good about letting it go."You are still harping about things, like "KKK's founder was a Democrat!"
You have written books about things you can't let go. Righties are still talking about Bill Clinton's sex affairs, and "Communism!!!!!!!"
"Back in the 80s, someone said something nasty about my socks!"
"but they can never tell you what that looks like or how to pay for it"As if you could :-D
I have been asking "what are Conservative values?" and "what are Judeo-Christian values?" and no-one has been able to answer that.
How do you plan on financing more funding for military and police?
"They believe in a fictional place where everyone has exactly the same amount of money and we’ve all morphed into one androgynous gender identity. That place is sort of like the Soviet Union in the 1960s, only on Mars."
You live in a fictional reality where your dad won the election.
It is interesting that you haven't noticed that we aren't attacking rich people simply because they are rich.
AOC is rich. Cher is rich. Clintons are rich and Obamas are rich, Bernie Sanders is rich. You know Warren Buffett? A leftie. 40 times richer than your dad. And he started with about $100.000 loan from friends and family. His dad didn't give him million dollars, or a successful business. Good for him.
We don't mind capitalism. On the contrary. We believe people should have money. We believe people should be able to make money. We believe people should be able to work and get paid for their work. We believe people should be able to pay for their expenses with the money they earn from their job.
Which is why we ask for minimum wage one can live on, and affordable housing, so that they can pay for their housing with their salary, and affordable housing that is not unsafe, so that they can rest without fear of someone breaking in to their house and stealing what they have, violating them, perhaps even killing them.
That's why we ask for affordable education, so that more people could get a good education and a good job, so that they could get better salary and be able to pay more taxes.
Because we know the government needs tax money to pay for everything it needs to pay, for the military, the police, the firefighters, infrastructure, schools, care for children and elderly (so that the adults can go to work and make more money so that there's more taxes paid, and more money put into buying things - you know, capitalism.)
All the talk about citizenship salary is the absolute minimum amount of money anyone needs to survive, and if they want more, then they have to work for it.
No-one is saying "everyone should have the same amount of money".
Also, people who do not confirm with gender binary are only about 5% of the population. I am fully happy being a straight white ciswoman, and have no aspirations to change that fact. But I also know that there are a lot of people who aren't happy being what the society tells them they have to be. I see no reason why they should be. If all the children were raised genderneutral, 95% of them would still identify as straight ciswomen and -men when they are adult. That can hardly be called "we’ve all morphed into one androgynous gender identity". I think it's interesting that Star Trek actually discussed this issue :-D
"I am female. I was born that way.
I have had those feelings, those longings, all of my life.
It is not unnatural.
I am not sick because I feel this way.
I do not need to be helped.
I do not need to be cured.
What I need, and what all of those who are like me need, is your understanding. And your compassion.
We have not injured you in any way. And yet we are scorned and attacked.
And all because we are different.
What we do is no different from what you do. We talk and laugh. We complain about work. And we wonder about growing old. We talk about our families and we worry about the future. And we cry with each other when things seem hopeless. All of the loving things that you do with each other – that is what we do.
And for that we are called misfits, and deviants and criminals.
What right do you have to punish us? What right do you have to change us? What makes you think you can dictate how people love each other?"
The thing is that I am strong. My identity doesn't need protection, support, or defense. But when one is told day in and day out that they are wrong, what they think of themselves is wrong, who they believe to be is wrong - who they know they are is wrong - one starts to believe it. There is this nasty thing called "internalized oppression". (Probably something you think is bullshit, because you have never experienced it in your life :-D White privilege... >:->)
Inclusive Pedagogy – Moving past privilege and bias toward a more inclusive climate
White Privilege& Allyship
I'm sorry that you are too stupid and egocentric to understand this.
If I can stop it by raising children genderneutral, then I'm all for it. Most if not all transpeople KNOW which gender they belong to already when they are too small for anyone to know whether they are boys or girls. Have a group of five years olds with the same clothes and haircut, and it's hard to tell if they are boys or girls.
I'm all for using hormone suppressants on all kids until they are 14, or until they ask to not have it (or longer if they ask for it). Hormones are a nasty thing, and I would have loved to not get boobs when I was 13, and too young to deal with the attention. And it would have been nice to be able to get through school without the damned migraines. It doesn't damage anything, doesn't change anything, doesn't have any effect except that the hormones don't get to change things. A lot harder to remove the effects of hormones than wait for your puberty for a couple more years. (And I would like to remind everyone of that no-one is seriously suggesting using hormone suppressants on all kids. It's just the 5% who wish for it. And all it does is to delay the inset of puberty. There's plenty of people who go into puberty late, after 14.
The Results of Sweden’s Extreme Gender‑Neutral Education

"When they send out tweets attacking me or any other conservative using words such as “canceled” or “hella problematic” or “microaggression,” they know exactly what messages they’re sending to the online mob. Like cyberterrorists, they are well schooled in the arts of igniting mass anger and gaslighting, and they know how to weaponize Twitter."
Don't know about them, but your dad sure does.
"All they really know is that the world isn't fair and that someone needs to be punished for it".
Now you're talking about you again.
In your case it's someone who is not white, male, and conservative. Be it BLM, Antifa, feminists, liberals, GLBTQA+, immigrants, Russians, Chinese, Communists, whoever.
"Take for example, this tweet from Randa Jarrar"
Do you find it offensive?
Forgive But Don’t Forget: Remembering Barbara Bush’s Complicated Relationship With Black America
YOU might have thought she was perfect, and the society might think that it's uncouth to say bad things about dead people, but anyone can say anything, remember?
And it's very nice to bring Randa Jarrar up, because she's an example of when Righties engage in cancel culture.
You don't seem to understand that Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and every other form of social media are private owned sites, who have all the right to put any and all conditions they want to on their sites. You are a guest in their house. If you want a Conservative household to speak in, go and create it. Don't go whining that the Liberal household you are speaking in doesn't like it when you spread lies about them.
Frankly, I would appreciate it if you all just went to Parler and kept yapping there. I appreciate the "gated community" where undesirables are escorted quickly out. Do you think you could get your dad to move there?
"I am now aware that with every day that goes by, Twitter and Instagram are removing more and more of my posts from people’s timelines. They’re doing the same thing to other people who speak out in support of conservative values. People who have liked or shared my posts have been reporting sudden problems with their accounts or temporary lockouts from their devices. People have even been suspended for things they tweeted years ago but that have only recently been highlighted."
I doubt that. When one starts digging, it's always something else. 9/10 it's that they violated the site's rules, and the last time is either a mistake or a misunderstanding.
And guess what: Why Republicans Weren't The Only Ones Shadow Banned On Twitter

Jussie Smollett? Who?
Oh, the guy who staged an attack...
A lot of people were being sympathetic, and now you are shaming them for that?
Of course they removed their sympathy posts, when it turned out the guy had been lying all the time. There's nothing hypocritical or false about that.
You just thought "oh, he's blaming MAGA guys, he probably deserved it."
"Instagram took the post down"
Instagram? That means there was a picture attached. What did that say?
Oh. You instagrammed your tweet. :-D
Was the tweet taken down? No? Obviously you haven't been silenced. You're just whining.
Instagram put it back and said it was removed in an error? Well, then. Then it's all right. If Roseanne Barr should be excused for saying stupid stuff, then maybe someone was moderating Instagram drunk, or tired and using painkillers.
"And, you know something, I can’t think of a single time of this happening to a liberal. Not once."
I haven't seen or heard you or your dad (or your sister for that matter) express sympathy to anyone, ever. Not once.
That doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
"When it’s the liberals who engage in what the left likes to call “hate speech,” that’s all well and good."
I just read today something I think you'll appreciate.
"There is no hate speech, there's just speech you hate."
Though, of course, being liberal, I don't agree with that.
"Then someone found these tweets"
"By that point, someone will have probably combed through every tweet
John Smith has sent since 2008 and found a sexist joke or two, maybe a
few off-color comments from when he was thirteen."
Huh. I would have thought that you'd use the lefties digging up old dirt of righties as an example, but you chose to showcase several cases when righties made a big thing of old tweets.
Oh man it’s kind of sick how much joy I get out of being cruel to old white men.
That's obviously a joke. You don't find it sfunny? That's because you don't have any sense of humor.
Just kidding. But try to remember that next time some woman doesn't laugh at your rape jokes. The fault might not be in their sense of humor, but yours.
Nevertheless, check out the responses. All those Conservative white people screaming obscenities because their sensitivities got hurt. Four years after the original tweet.
Are white people genetically predisposed to burn faster in the sun, thus logically being only fit to live underground like groveling goblins?
Check the responses. Note the time stamps. All the liberals making jokes about it, 2014, and then a lot of angry white righties whining 2018.
That is an especially good one, because it has a whole thread to let people know the context.
Dumbass fucking white people marking up the internet with their opinions like dogs pissing on fire hydrants.
And I'm not the least offended. Because I'm not a dumbass, I'm just a fucking white person, so obviously she isn't talking about me. Did you feel targeted?
And guess what? Breitbart dug it up again 2020 :-D
Follow up on your examples next time, won't you, junior. Though it doesn't much matter because your readers don't care, and neither do you. You just spout out words and the one who speaks most wins. Easier to lie than actually find out about things and have a rational, fact-based discussion on them.
"All the ingredients are there.
Needless cruelty? Check.
Indicting an entire group for the actions of a few members of that group? Check.
Stunning ignorance and lack of empathy? Double check."
Cruelty? I think this response was more cruel than any of those tweets: "I did my tours and killed as many of you slant eyed fucks as I could. My only wish is I could have got Your slimy grandpa. Fuck you and yours."
And "needless"? She's been getting a fair share of that kind of comments without saying anything more offensive than talking about liberal issues. Which, of course, is a capital offense in your eyes.
"Indicting an entire group for the actions of a few members of that group?"
I think she's indicting the entire group of racist old white men who have been pissing around the internet.
I don't feel indicted. I don't feel offended. I don't feel intimidated by her. I went to see what else she talks about and I followed her.
"Stunning ignorance and lack of empathy"
If you are in habit of judging people by random comments, it might appear like that to you. But if you read more, you'd find out that ignorance is one thing you cannot accuse her of, and empathy is very obvious to anyone who reads the tweets around the #CancelWhitePeople.
What does "cancelwhitepeople" mean? (Read Dimitris Trigkakis' response. Brilliant.)
Would New York Times have hired a Conservative? Why would a Conservative want to work for them?
Do you have an example of a Conservative who dares to say "Fuck white people"? You have plenty of people who say fuck the Jews, black people, feminists, GLBTQA+ people, and plenty of other minority groups, but white people? I have never read anyone dare to say that out loud. Never. Not even white people.
Why didn't Candace Owens repost them as they were?
Let's assume you are in a group with 100 people. 65 of them are White, 3 Jewish, 1 Middle Eastern (not Jewish), 8
Latinos, 13 Black, 6 Asian American, 2 of mixed ethnicity, 1 Native
American, and 1 Pacific Islander. You shout: "fuck the white people", and everyone laughs because over half of the people are white. You shout: "fuck the jews", and people get very uncomfortable, because there's only three of them.
" So a journalist is now a comedian, but an actual comedian like Kevin Hart is not? Okay, got it!"
I must have missed all those gay people attacking Kevin Hart.
And you just said a couple of pages before "We were all joking!" You're not a comedian either. Making jokes doesn't make one a comedian, and everything a comedian says is not funny. Otherwise your dad would laugh himself silly when watching SNL.
So you haven't gotten anything, you are just being an ass.
"For instance, as Ted Cruz tweeted a while back, how come @RealJamesWoods gets banned and the actor Jim Carrey, one of whose paintings depicts Attorney General William Barr drowning in a sea of vomit, doesn’t?"
So, why did James Woods get banned? #hangthemall, or something else? (BTW, thank you for giving me one of the Right wing hashtags.) So you think painting people drowning in a sea of vomit is something one should get banned for?
"Last year, Facebook banned Jesse Kelly, a conservative talk show host, but kept Linda Sarsour after she declared a jihad against my father."
Maybe because Jesse Kelly (whoever that is) apparently kept saying stupid things.
BTW, I found this and thought it was funny. To Chrissy I'd like to say "that we know of". I wonder how many women he has got pregnant, how many of them aborted the pregnancy, and how many he told "it's not mine".
I have already talked about jihad. It's not what you think it is, and she explained it when she said it, but, sure, selective hearing when it fits you.
"It even banned the conservative activist David Horowitz and didn’t give a reason."Maybe because he tweeted "Oh, and then we can get on with killing Jews". Twitter saw "killing Jews", blocked him, and when it was cleared out, they removed the block. David Horowitz is still on Twitter spouting lies and malicious rumor as usual.
Consider Kathy Griffin. She was "canceled". She's still getting death threats. Even the liberals thought she went too far.
Did she go too far? Where is the line between "freedom of speech" and "inappropriate"? When is "offensive" too offensive?
Where Was All the Outrage Over Threats to Obama?
It is interesting that making "jokes" about lynching Obama, and all the Jim Crow time stereotypical racist imagery and comparing the President and his wife to apes, is "freedom of speech", while a comedian making a joke is... not a joke? To rephrase you "So a pastor is now a comedian, but an actual comedian like Kathy Griffin is not? Okay, got it!"
I suppose you think it's only a joke when a Conservative comedian says it, or when you think it's funny. The idea that different people find different things funny doesn't even cross your mind. Lack of theory of mind.
Maza vs Crowder
Seriously, can't you talk about anything without personal attacks? Why can most non-conservatives have tv shows and you tube shows without being banned for saying something they shouldn't have said. "Lipsy queer"? WTF? Why would he even say that? What possible reason could he have to say a thing like that? It has gone so far that Righties go out of their way to say the most offensive things they can come up with, in the name of "freedom of speech". But when someone says something they don't like, it's all woe be me.
"Of 22 prominent political commentators who had been banned from
Twitter during the period 2005-2017, a whopping 21 of them were
supporters of my father"
So... no-one was banned from Twitter before your dad became the President?
think it's because Righties don't care about being PC, and think "hate
speech" is just "speech you hate", and should be all allowed, which
means that they won't have any self-restraint, in fact, they seem to
think it's a bad thing, and say it's to conform of fear instead of
abstaining of consideration. Meaning that they did something that
warranted the banning.
Ma Ingalls' words have long been forgotten.
“If wisdom’s ways you wisely seek,
Five things observe with care,
To whom you speak,
Of whom you speak,
And how and when and where.”
It Isn’t Your Imagination: Twitter Treats Conservatives More Harshly Than LiberalsGo and take a look on those people who were banned... Do you seriously want to bind your name to the American Nazi Party? Or George Zimmerman, who used Twitter to target and doxx his ex girlfriend by posting porn on Twitter - thus violating several of Twitter's rules? American Renaissance and League of the South?
BTW, who was the 22nd? A leftie? Yes...
"As long as a website doesn’t take any steps to curate or change the content, it’s protected by this law, and it can’t be held accountable for anything its users say."
Er... no. The social media has the right to moderate the site, and remove anything and anyone for any reason, without that changing them from platform to a publisher. The law is pretty clear, and there's plenty of trials setting precedent.
Did you know that one of the most common things deleted on Facebook is images of breastfeeding moms. Conservatives just can't take breastfeeding moms. As if they think breasts should be used for something else...
So now monopoly is somehow bad? Because you can't profit from it?
There was a time when Yahoo! was The Search engine. And then came Google. Google isn't perfect. Google is in hot water. Something else will appear. If I was you, I would use some of my wealth to sponsor some young and upcoming techies to create a new search engine. Make it better than Google, and Google will go the way of Yahoo! and Ask Jeeves.
And start your own social media platform. Or join Parlay. It should be wonderful for you, absolutely no limits to what you say, as long as you don't say it about white people, unless they are liberals. Or gay, or feminists, or you just don't like them. But absolutely nothing bad is said about tighty-whitey-righties. Unless they are Republicans who actually think USA should follow the laws and not try to brownnose your dad.

It is interesting that you say without Twitter Hillary might have won, and you end the chapter by saying Hillary almost won because of Twitter. Could you make you your mind? (BTW, she did win. Popular vote, almost 3 million more people wanted her to be the president than Trump. Don't you forget that.)