I believe that the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world.
I believe all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of kinship, love and tolerance.
I don't believe in distinction of any kind, such as
- race, colour, ethnicity, nationality
- sex, gender identity
- sexual orientation
- language, culture
- religion, spirituality
- political opinion
- any opinion
- origin (social, national or any other kind)
- age
- weight, size
- looks, beauty or lack of it
- disability or illness, visible or invisible, of mind or body
- property, wealth
- birth
- other status or identity

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Junior is Triggered, part X

 "Every time I looked at my Twitter feed or at one of the liberal news networks, all I could see was the enemy. I know it sounds harsh, but there was no doubt they were against us."

No shit, Sherlock. That's how elections work.
Do you seriously think that Hillary's campaign felt any different any time they were looking at one of the conservative news networks?
You lack all theory of mind.

"I heard journalists who were supposed to be objective reporters of the news talking about Hillary’s path to victory, as if she was the only one that mattered in the race. As things began to tighten, it was “we” could still take down Donald Trump if X, Y, and Z happens."

Liberal media is for the liberal candidate? Oh how... obvious? But, no... this is another claim that doesn't have much to do with reality. I have been rewatching CNN's election night reporting (CNN, heavily left leaning with questionable factual reporting, a news channel no-one would call unbiased and neutral), and even though the discussions about what was happening was - obviously - biased - the actual reporting was not.

 "But now, here they were using their platforms on the most important night of the year to push propaganda for the Democrat Party and denigrate Donald Trump on live television."

So... what was it they were saying?  

"Right now, a historic moment, we can now project the winner of the presidential race, CNN projects Donald Trump wins the presidency. The business tycoon and tv personality capping his improbable political journey with astounding upset victory. Donald Trump will become the 45th president of the United States, defeating Hillary Clinton in a campaign unlike anything we've seen in our lifetime"

"The energy that flows through my father is the same energy that flowed through my grandfather and great-grandfather before him. The 2016 Donald J. Trump for President campaign was a hundred years in the making, built on a foundation of American spirit, smarts, and grit."

German, you mean. 

"I’d spent a quarter of my life in Pennsylvania. I thought of all the families I had met and all the sights I could see driving there—boarded-up factories, closed-down coal mines..."

Trump’s Broken Promises on Pennsylvania’s Economy
CAP Action Memo: Trump’s Broken Promises to Pennsylvania
Trump’s Broken Promises Are Hurting Pennsylvania Families

 "That very morning, I was reminded how horrible they could be. With my two-year-old daughter Chloe in my arms and my daughter Kai holding my hand, I’d walked from work to vote at a local public school. On the way, I was called every four-letter word imaginable. You know, tolerant liberals screaming and cursing at me while I had four of my children in tow. To the left, I wasn’t a father, and my kids weren’t children. We weren’t human beings. We were the enemy. If it was just me, I wouldn’t have cared. It’s happened so much to me, I wouldn’t have given it a second thought. You start saying things like that to my kids, well, that’s another matter altogether. I’ve used the hate the left has towards me as motivation. But this was something entirely different."

Why would you take your children with you when you KNEW what was to be expected? You were using them as shield trying to protect you, a grown ass man, from words you didn't want to hear.

And what ever happened to "people can’t grow if they’re not made uncomfortable" and "it's just words"

"It was just another sign of their disdain for regular people, which would come back again when my father announced his reelection campaign in Orlando a few years later. Panning the camera over the long line waiting for my father to speak, the anchors would make fun of their flip flops and cargo shorts, wondering if that constituted “formal wear” in Florida."

Who? I haven't been able to find any reference to that. Which network was this? Was it an actual news reporting or an opinion piece? 

"Their hatred of anyone who doesn’t live in New York City or subscribe to their radical ideas was disgusting to me."

No, little-donny, you are taking some words someone might have said or not said - there's absolutely no sources or references of most of the things you claim people said, and when there is, it turns out you have misunderstood half and misquoted the rest, and then you blame the whole media and the Democrat party of this, assigning them agenda, values, thoughts and ideas all according your wild assumptions and speculations.
And that, my darling, is disgusting to me. 

"Right before my eyes, the television anchors were telling me my father was the president-elect. But, if there was one thing I learned in the prior two years, it was that the Clintons were not about to roll over and die. Too much was at stake. More than even the presidency. A global network of power that they’d spent decades building was in peril.

I stood there in front of the television, in the place I’d grown up, with the people I cared about most in the world, and shook my head.

“No,” I said, first to myself and then to the others in the kitchen. “No! They are not going to give in.”

No matter what the results said, they would come up with some kind of trick to snatch the victory away. They would say the system had been rigged, that the voting machines were all wrong, that some of the ballots had been smudged and didn’t count. “They’ll come up with something,” I said. “Just watch.”

That entire night, I waited for the other shoe to drop. When John Podesta came out onstage at the Javits Center to announce that everyone would “regroup in the morning,” he confirmed my suspicion. I knew it."

Hillary Clinton called your dad and congratulated him for the victory. She gave her concession speech the next morning. The Democrats accepted they had lost the election, and acknowledged Trump had won. 

Of course they were regrouping. For 2018 and 2020. Life goes on. The Presidential election is just one battle. 

The Russian collusion investigation started already in the summer of 2016. It was not a hoax. You are guilty. You did contact Russia trying to get dirt on Hillary. 

And, frankly, if it was "Hillary's fault", then USA owes her big time for revealing people who didn't mind trying to get foreign powers involved in USA's politics, and you admit she's a better player than you.

Now, this: No matter what the results said, they would come up with some kind of trick to snatch the victory away. They would say the system had been rigged, that the voting machines were all wrong, that some of the ballots had been smudged and didn’t count. “They’ll come up with something,” I said. “Just watch.” is a description of what your dad's side is doing as we speak, 2020.
Not only did you claim the system had been rigged, that the voting machines were all wrong, that some of the ballots didn't count, you are screaming that the election was fraudulent, that the voting machines were built to give the Democrats the victory, that they were using a program designed for Hugo Chavez, that USPS was stealing votes, that the Democrats were bringing in boxes of prefilled ballots, that dead people vote, you are bringing in crisis actors to swear that they saw something nasty in the woodshed ("I signed an affidavit, so everything I say is true!") You are attacking anyone and everyone who says Biden won, you are demanding recounts after recounts, trying to claim that only votes for Trump were real and correct, and every vote for Biden was fake and illegal and invalid. You are harassing people, sending death threats, and doing everything you accused the Democrats of, but 10 times worse, and this time it's the truth.

And then follows more sanctimonious whining. *sigh*

"...we were driving into Arlington National Cemetery, where he was to lay a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. I rarely get emotional, if ever. I guess you’d call me hyper-rational, stoic. Yet, as we drove past the rows of white grave markers, in the gravity of the moment, I had a deep sense of the importance of the presidency and a love of our country. I was never prouder of my father than when I watched as he stood before the tomb, his hand over his heart, while the Army bugler played “Taps.”

In that moment, I also thought of all the attacks we’d already suffered as a family, and about all the sacrifices we’d have to make to help my father succeed—voluntarily giving up a huge chunk of our business and all international deals to avoid the appearance that we were “profiting off the office.”

You were at Arlington and were comparing political dirt throwing and social media jabber to enemy shooting at soldiers, and your "sacrifices" to soldiers dying at wars? WTF?

Also, while profiting off the office. I know, in tv business, the appearance is everything.
So you will do your best to appear the innocent victim of your evil opponents, and your supporters are buying it, because they want to believe in the narrative. Truth hurts, why admit it, when you can throw a temper tantrum and try to scream everyone silent?

”We also had to give up a lot of domestic business because, as ridiculous as this sounds, we didn’t want to run the risk of our domestic partners being branded racist, misogynistic, or any of the lies and labels the press had manufactured about my dad. ”

yeah, sure

”In one sense, the left and the liberal press effectively put me out of work. All that was left for me to do was spend my time campaigning for my father.”

Frankly, had you just cleanly separated the business and presidency as you should have, there wouldn't have been any problems. Of course, people would have said things, but they say things anyway. And if you have clean flour in your bag, let them talk. Let them pry and question and try to get things to stick. What do you care? Just go on with your business, and let your dad take care of the presidency, and all would have been fine.
But, no.

I'm sure you don't understand why the American people don't take kindly your dad refusing Camp David and instead spend time - and the government money - on his own property. 140 million dollars to play golf, straight into his own pockets...

”What didn’t change was the attacks from the left. If anything, they only got worse. Let them take their best shot, I thought, because there was something else that hadn’t changed.

The fight in us.” 

So poetic... But these last four years have just been a foreplay.

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