I believe that the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world.
I believe all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of kinship, love and tolerance.
I don't believe in distinction of any kind, such as
- race, colour, ethnicity, nationality
- sex, gender identity
- sexual orientation
- language, culture
- religion, spirituality
- political opinion
- any opinion
- origin (social, national or any other kind)
- age
- weight, size
- looks, beauty or lack of it
- disability or illness, visible or invisible, of mind or body
- property, wealth
- birth
- other status or identity

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Junior is Triggered, part V


The Class Warfare chapter begins with a rather nice story of the young Donnie Jr. going about with his life. I think I'd enjoy reading his memoirs, if he could stop whining, bragging, and blaming others. It would be very interesting to read.

"If there were any imperfections, no matter the size or the significance, he would notice."

Let's not mention Riverside South where the bad foundation went unnoticed by Trump for two months, before it was stopped - not by him. One just wonders what else he missed.

"He loved talking with the men and women who made it all happen for him. Many of those men and women, by the way, occupy senior positions at Trump Tower today. The same people who taught me to swing a hammer now help me make major decisions about new projects."

Doesn't that sound so nice... now imagine how the story looks from those people's point of view. "We made it all happen for him, we made him rich, and now that snooty pup..."

"During lunch breaks, I would sit with the union contractors and plumbers while they ate..."

Union contractors, huh?

"He was on the ground. It was good advice, both for the construction business and for life. It’s also pretty good advice for running a country. Not only should you do a better job, you should do a better job for less money. To paraphrase Ronald Reagan, this is even more important when you’re spending other people’s money."

Yet he has spend 1/3 of his time as President golfing, and most of the rest of the time inside the White House. Not on the ground.
Also, he has been spending a lot of money, and doesn't have much to show for it. Except quite a lot of gilding inside his own pockets.

But, I digress. That junior does it too isn't an excuse.

He's getting to the main point of the ramblings.
1) You shouldn't expect to get anything in life that you didn't work for
2) If you don't ask for it, don't expect it
3) When someone goes around offering things for free, don’t believe them.

1) When you were a kid, you got plenty of things that you didn't work for. Your parents took care of you and gave you things just because they were your parents.

A welfare society works on the premise that those who need help are like children. For some reason they can't be expected to do their share of the job. It is not a desirable position, even if you seem to think it is. Maybe because you were a rich kid. You didn't need to worry about food and clothes and anything you wished for when you were a child.
Frankly, you have had free food, free clothes, free education, free health-care, your whole life. When the other guys at your job paid for their food, you went to your daddy who gave you food for free.

Most adult people wish to be seen and treated as adults, but if you are living on benefits, especially if you are not old and have worked your whole life to earn those benefits, you are a second class citizen, an incompetent person, a ward. You are not a productive member of the society, you are a parasite. Very few people manage to ignore this. The people who need welfare and benefits pay with limited rights, privileges and freedom. They pay with self-esteem. They pay in social status. And living on benefits isn't luxurious. One has to be really good at swindling to get out of poverty by government handouts.

Now, the Democrats want more people to get out of poverty. Handouts are not going to do it, but free education, good housing, health care and food, will.
What the tax payers invest now, will pay back in the future, because the more people will get out of the poverty, the more people will be working and paying taxes.

You have been getting a lot that you didn't work for.
Look around and think what in your life you would never want to be without. I hope your children is one of these things. You didn't work one second to get them.
I hope there are other people in your life you appreciate, your family, your friends, the love of your life. Didn't work to get them, either.
You speak about how much the nature and wilderness mean to you. Didn't work to get them. (BTW, you mock AOC for not being able to stop Chinese air coming to USA, how do you plan stopping the USA pollutions coming to your forest? Have you noticed how the trees suffer? I suppose you haven't.)

But, there are other things people got for free. For example, everyone knows your daddy is bragging about getting a million dollars from his dad.
(And also that he calls it "a small loan", and your brother says it's "practically nothing". The tax rise Elizabeth Warren proposed is "practically nothing" to you people, so why whine about it?)

2) Why would someone work for less than livable minimum wage? If someone isn't asking for it, why would they expect it? The Democrats are asking it in behalf of all those people who don't know that you have to ask, you have to demand, you have to value yourself and your work, or people like the Trumps will exploit you. If you are ready to sell your work for 10 dollars an hour, why would any employer pay more? If you know your work is worth more, why would you sell it for less? 

3) Sometimes, when someone goes around offering things for free, it's an advertisement campaign.
Sometimes, when someone goes around offering things for free, it's because someone else pays for it.
When the Democrats "go around" offering free education, everyone knows it will be paid mostly with the taxes. That means that the American people will pay for it. The Democrats included. When Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez promises people free education, she is prepared to pay for part of it. Of course, she won't pay as much as some people who earn more than she does, but she will be paying more than most Americans.
Because of this, when the Democrats "go around" offering free education, they also have a plan on how to pay for it. You really can't isolate Elizabeth Warren's tax plans from the rest of her campaign issues. It's a whole package.
I mean, you are a businessman. You know how it works. You want something to happen, a job done, a building built. Contractors make offers, and these offers are a package, and you compare the packages and pick one. Then you pay and they do the job. Every businessman has their own criteria on which package to pick. Some think the price is more important than the quality, some think it's good to pay more for good quality, some have special demands and accept that it will cost more. And so on and so forth.
The same way, the Democrats have a plan on how to get the society to where they think it works best. Reduce the poverty. Strengthen the weakest link. They have been studying what makes people stay in poverty, what are the biggest obstacles, how to get rid of them, and then they create the policies and plans according to this information.
The Republicans also have a plan. Theirs is to strengthen the chain by getting rid of the weakest links, gilding the strongest links, and... I really don't know how they think the government gets money to do all the things governments are supposed to be doing. Borrowing money from foreign countries, and not paying it back?
The Republicans also promise "free things".
Like good salary for the military and the police. Who is paying it? Where does that money come from?
The border wall. You know, the Mexicans will never pay for it. It's the tax payers who do.

So, you are wrong. You are the liar, and everyone who believes you is an idiot. And I have to say I suspect you believe your own lies, which makes you an idiot also.

And after that he goes back to sanctimonious bragging.

"if you want someone to vote for you, you have to go to work and earn that vote"

If that's how you feel about your campaign, why was your daddy berating everyone? Why did you spend so much time, money, and effort to make Hillary look bad?

So, back to talking about his life.

He tells a story about how his mother beat him up because Ivanka was too cowardly to take the consequences of her actions.
That story doesn't say anything good about any of the people involved.
I was spanked once in my life. I was being cranky because I was like 5 and I was very tired, and mom was stressed out and needed to clean the whole house and I was being a pain in the ass. Had she taken five minutes to assess the situation and realized how tired I was, she would have put me in the bed and got me to sleep in all peace, and could have gone back to her chores, and no-one would have been upset. Now I remember how angry I was and how I cried myself to sleep. That was it.
Every other time in my life I could trust to my parents listening to me, believing in me, and appreciating me more than things.
Not that we had crystal chandeliers, but it wasn't as if Ivana couldn't replace the chandelier easy.

Then he tells about the Mar-a-Lago, and reveals how vulgar his dad is.

"Trump properties all over the globe today, all of them rated among the highest quality in the world"
I wonder if this is true. Doesn't really matter, though, so I won't check this.

"One day in Eric’s room, my father saw how much Michael enjoyed playing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with us on Nintendo and told him he could take the game home. My game!
To this day, Eric says it was his game because it was in his room, but I know whose game it was. I’d worked a summer job to pay for it!
And here was Michael Jackson, probably a billionaire at this point, and he took it!"

No, your dad gave away something he didn't own without even asking the owner. It didn't mean anything to him, he wanted to please this Celebrity, so he did.

Your argument that "he can't be a racist because he was friends with Michael Jackson" isn't really an argument.
Letting his son "hang out with Michael Jackson" could also be interpreted as he didn't much care about what you did.
But - that's not the point with this book. You are trying to show how the Democrats are lying idiots.

We are back to "I prefer working class guys to upper class people, and I have always been able to boss them around, I spend time in the kitchen harassing the chefs and even taking over the kitchen, because I'm the best chef in the world, and the slaves liked me so much!" I'm just wondering how the situation looked from the other side, and would they ever dare to say their true feelings about it? I mean, it's cute to have the master's 12 years old son hanging around in the servants' quarters, but... er...

Good that you are teaching your kids to cook.

"When the news about this book leaked just after I signed the deal, liberal Twitter was pretty brutal to me."
Oh, so horrible.
"But words aren’t violence. They’re just words."

"I’ll show you what Ivanka has to endure. The constant onslaught by the media is incredibly unfair and cruel."
Oh, so horrible.
"But words aren’t violence. They’re just words." 

"it was on public land, which forms the basis of so much American outdoor life. It’s the reason I fight so hard to this day to preserve public land, and the lifestyle that comes with it."
Oh, is that so? Who owns the public land?
So... what do you think about your dad selling public land to highest bidder?

"I would find what looked like a good high-mountain lake maybe fourteen miles away from my location on a map or atlas. (For you younger folks, those were things we used to find our way around when dinosaurs still roamed the earth.)"
Oh, wow. You mean like "Google Maps"?

I find it so interesting that he talks about these blue collar people he was friends with (and some to this day), but he doesn't understand that these people didn't just wait for a message to be delivered. They expected something to happen. It's heart-breaking to listen to these people talk about their hopes being got up by Trump to then be crushed, watching the jobs disappear to the lowest bidders in China and Mexico. You see, Donald, it's not the politicians who move jobs. It's the employers, factory owners, industrialists, corporations... the rich people, the owners, the Capitalists, the Republicans. 

It's interesting how you whine about NAFTA; when the economy was great during Bill Clinton, and went down to hell with George W. Bush, and Obama had to work hard to get it somewhat back up again. And Trump hasn't changed anything. 

It wasn't Bush's fault, though. Just as little as Corona is Trump's fault. Or the Great Regression Obama's fault.
Not that you would acknowledge that.
And now we have yet another Democrat who has to clean up the economic mess after a Republican. 

It was because China entered WTO, and the USonians couldn't resist the temptation of a "good deal". I mean... you should know nothing is free. USA paid for the cheap Chinese stuff, cheap Chinese work force, cheap Chinese materials with Americans losing their jobs. 

Now, I have to say that you dad's tax break "including a zero percent tax rate on many profits generated offshore" most definitely did more damage to USonian jobs than NAFTA, WTO and TTIP ever could, because you people have never let heart stand in your way to make profit.
But, sure, blame Bill Clinton and NAFTA. 

President Trump’s claims about NAFTA and the U.S. auto industry

"The United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA) will bring much of those dreams back."
Hmm... Are you aware of that the Americans have the power to buy only things made in USA of USonian materials. You have had the power all the time. You don't HAVE to buy the cheap Mexican and Chinese things, just because you can.

"Yet, at this writing, the Democrats continue to slow-walk ratifying the deal."
Bull. The agreement had bipartisan support.

"Democrats did a great job to build up the manufacturing base in other countries. In America? Not so much."

"They said it would take a miracle to bring back manufacturing. I brought back 700,000 jobs. They brought back nothing. They gave up on manufacturing," Trump said."
Bush jr. lost 4 million jobs in manufacturing
Barack Obama inherited the down-hill, and it took him a year to turn it. A year that lost 1 million jobs in manufacturing. After that, he created a million jobs.
Trump inherited an up-hill, and didn't manage to create more than half a million jobs in manufacturing before Corona crisis, which has costed USA over a million jobs so far.

"They sat on their hands and watched the factories of iconic manufacturers such as Firestone and U.S. Steel empty and rust."

Clinton’s Auto Industry Policies Delight Detroit
Did President Obama save the auto industry?
5 Ways the Obama Administration Revived the Auto Industry by Reducing Oil Use

"Please don’t be swayed by the liberal media. Read @realDonaldTrump and @DonaldJTrumpJr’s tweets. They’re the unfiltered truth."
Yeah, sure. Why don't you tell that one about Sleeping Beauty, too?

We are in 1/5 of the book, and that's about the verity of the book, too. And that just because we can't verify the verity of what he tells about his life. Which also happens to be the best, most interesting part of this book.


So this was his version of "class warfare". *sigh*

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