I believe that the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world.
I believe all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of kinship, love and tolerance.
I don't believe in distinction of any kind, such as
- race, colour, ethnicity, nationality
- sex, gender identity
- sexual orientation
- language, culture
- religion, spirituality
- political opinion
- any opinion
- origin (social, national or any other kind)
- age
- weight, size
- looks, beauty or lack of it
- disability or illness, visible or invisible, of mind or body
- property, wealth
- birth
- other status or identity

Friday, November 20, 2020

Junior is triggered, part I

Donald jr. dedicates his book to the Deplorables. The racist, sexist, homophobic, and xenophobic.
He says "I am proudly one of you".
Meaning he says he made America great with his blood, sweat, and tears. :-D
When and how has he ever bled, sweated or cried for USA?

And is the work ethic of Liberals really worse than the racist, sexist, homophobic xenophobes? I don't think so.
Is it patriotism to tear the USA in half and spread hate and lies? I don't think so.
What are these values? I keep hearing people  say that word, but no-one explains what they mean with it.

"I'm not mad".
No-one cares.

"Look, everybody is called a traitor once or twice in their lives, right? Everybody gets falsely accused and wrongly investigated by the FBI and has to testify in front of Congress for over thirty hours, answering the same stupid politically motivated questions over and over again, don’t they? And, everybody has an army of social justice warriors combing through every word they’ve ever said online to find something to be offended by, correct?"
Er... no.
But most other people haven't tried to buy information from Russia, haven't had meetings with Russians, and don't spout xenophobic crap and lies online either. Maybe it was because of something you did and said?

"my plan was to write a feel-good book about forgiveness and healing"
Then why didn't you? Because you couldn't name it Kumbaya? WTF?

"I was even going to call it Kumbaya instead of Triggered , but it seemed that title was already taken, probably by one of the 2,467 Democrat candidates currently running for president."
There are no books named Kumbaya, there were about as many Democrat candidates running for president 2019, as there were Republican candidates running for president 2015, and there are several books that share a title, so "title was already taken" doesn't work.
I bet your racist, sexist, homophobic, and xenophobic fans think that was funny.
I bet you think you were really funny.
I think you are boring, and you started your book with lies.

So you decided to write a vindictive and wounding feel-bad book. "a tour of all the craziest, most destructive ideas that the left has come up with in the last decade or more."

Frankly, I don't think you tried enough. I don't think you tried at all. I think you knew you never intended to write a feel-good book about forgiveness and healing, even when you wrote those words. I think you were deliberately lying, trying to be funny.
You just told everyone that you don't think forgiveness and healing are important. You think trauma is funny. You want to see USA being ripped apart. 

I suppose your racist, sexist, homophobic, and xenophobic friends agree with you.

"sleepy liberal losers, socialist crybabies, and hypocritical politicians and media"
This is what these people are afraid of. So afraid that they write books about them.

"dispel the conspiracy theory on the left that I was born with horns"
I have never heard anyone say this.
On the other hand, there is a conspiracy theory on the right that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are demons, or at least possessed by some. Alex Jones spoke about it a lot, and Trumpettes repeat that as if it was the truth.
I'm sorry to tell you this, junior, but I don't think anyone thinks of you as someone important enough to have conspiracy theories about.

"Before we get going, however, I need to make a few disclaimers."

But, of course. This is code meaning "this book is fiction".

"No one on the campaign has been consulted, and I doubt any of them would care very much anyhow."
Yes, we know. They don't care very much about personal attacks and lies, after all, that's much of what Trump's campaign is all about.

"I’m just saying what they all know to be true but don’t want to take the heat for saying in public"
Ah... you claim to be speaking the truth, which means that your disclaimer of it being "just your opinion" means silch.

"I guess that’s just one of those things that got passed down in the genes!"
No, it's a meme. (I'm not talking about the internet meme, I'm talking about the actual scientific term. You didn't inherit it in your genes, you learned it by example.)
And as most people who boast about being brutally honest, Trumps can't take criticism. Just see this one whine. He wrote a whole book to get his whine out. He wrote several. :-D

"As much as I might joke around, I am not actively trying to offend anyone with what I’m about to say"
Yeah, because "a lying ass clown" and "feeble old fool" couldn't possibly offend anyone

"I’m just making arguments, backing them up with facts, and putting them out into the world, the same way millions of people have done with millions of books before mine."
"I'm totally innocent and you can't make me accountable for anything I say, because I'm just... "
Uh. I wish your dad had taught you to be a man and take responsibility of your words and actions, instead of being a whiny liar and proud of it. (Oh, and racist, sexist, homophobic, and xenophobic.)

With other words, if you choose to read this book, VERIFY EVERY CLAIM.

"offering a reasoned antidote to all the hysterical bullshit used to be called discourse".
No. Discourse is communication in words. It has never meant anything else, and no-one has ever said it's allowed only to some people, or it's only discourse when some people do it.

"Hate speech" is a form of discourse.

Frankly, I have just started to read this book, but judging from what's on the very first page of this book, I'm expecting more emotionally motivated ranting and whining with not much connection to anything reasoned or even truthful. AKA hysterical bullshit.

"I also know that as the son of a rich white guy living in 2019, I’m essentially not allowed to have an opinion anymore, let alone express that opinion in public."

Oh, dear, little poor rich boy, you are NOT ALLOWED to have an opinion and express it! Boohoo!
Somehow you managed to write a book and get it published, too.

I'm over 35 and haven't spent the last few years on a college campus, on Twitter, or in an asylum (and if you have difficulties in telling the difference, you really need to get some help), and I know what "triggered" means, because it's a psychological term established by psychologists trying to help WWI veterans with shell shock and war neurosis, called today PTSD. "Triggered" became a common term in the 1980s. It is a serious issue. People react on different things that make them relive a traumatic event, and they experience different events traumatic - I mean, to you being investigated about the Trump SoHo project must have been traumatic, and the fact that your daddy bought you free doesn't make it any less traumatic, considering that you have so little experience of things going wrong. It really cannot be denied or ignored just because most people have experienced more objectively traumatic things.

I know you have no what so ever compassion or understanding of how someone could find your dad's tweets triggering, but that doesn't make it BS.
I also know that you think post traumatic stress disorder is also BS, which means that people who are triggered have "fragile sensibilities", because THEY HAVE BEEN THROUGH SOMETHING TRAUMATIC. It's like mocking someone with an open wound because it hurts when you push your finger in it! "It doesn't hurt me if you poke me, so you are being just a crybaby!"

But, sure, mocking sensitive people suffering from memories of traumatic experiences, that's what Trumps stand for. You don't like "losers" and "suckers" like the American soldiers who died in the war, the POWs and the Veterans. PTSD is for weaklings.

I know people should just ignore everything your dad tweets, because it's just meaningless crap, but your daddy happens to be the President. People who don't give a dime about your opinion, mind your father's.
When he says Covid is a hoax, his followers believe him.
When he claims the election is a fraud, his followers believe him, even when it's proven wrong.
Because of your dad's tweets, there are people in intensive care screaming and swearing at the nurses, dying of this disease they don't believe exists.
Because of your dad's tweets, people are harassing Sikhs.
Because of your dad's tweets, a man beat up a 13 years old kid, so that the boy's skull cracked. Because of your dad's tweets, the guy didn't think he did anything wrong. Because of your dad's tweets, people don't dare to go out alone after dark of fear of real violence.
Your dad's followers are much more aggressive, violent, irascible, and reactive than his opponents, freaking out over silly things. Like someone laughed at them at the movie theater. "He didn't wish me Merry Christmas!"

"If you say capitalism is better than socialism, they freak out."
Have you ever actually seen anyone do that?

"If my father says America is the greatest country in the world, they lose it."
They just tell you it's not, and prove it, and then you lose it and start screaming.

"If you tell them the cat video they posted isn’t that cute, they have a complete breakdown"
Why would you tell someone the cat video they posted isn't that cute? If you don't think it's cute, don't say anything. Didn't your parents teach you "If you can't say something nice, don't say nothin' at all"? Of course they didn't. A cartoon bunny has better upbringing than you.

Why aren't you talking about the REAL triggers? Like when your dad boasts about killing babies, or stripping away human rights?

You probably don't understand the real consequences of your dad's tweets, because you don't understand what Presidents do and how their words impact the world, and you think it's all just jokes, fun and games all days long. It's for you, so why would anyone else care?

The bar for what's considered "triggering" gets lower and lower every day, because the traumatic events keep happening, more and more. You really don't understand this thing with actions, reactions, and consequences.

For example, asking someone where they're from. Totally fine, if you ask it with real interest and accept the answer. If you start insisting, "no, where are you REALLY from, because you are colored and only white people are REALLY from USA", then you are being an asshole. Not that you would know it, being a poor rich white boy, and self-acclaimed racist, sexist, homophobic, and xenophobic.

I can explain the microaggression right now. It's when you say something that might sound nice, but is in reality not nice at all. Like when someone asks you who's your REAL father. No, REAL real father. Because, come on, you have to admit it, you don't look anything like Don sr.

 So... what did Mueller actually say about Donald Trump? He didn't say "the president of the United States is not an agent of Russia". That's what the President said about himself. Which is exactly what he would say if he was, wouldn't he? Seriously, if he wasn't, why didn't he just let them investigate the issue and prove him innocent? Now it looks highly suspicious, just like that thing with Trump SoHo.

First page and he's managed to bore me out. Just some 300 pages or so left. *sigh*

The writing flows nicely, I just hope he had something to say.

So, he throws in another scary idea of how the freedom of expression might be limited, even in as short a time it took him from writing this book to publishing it (less than a year, and in USA where his daddy is the President - how probable is that scare? Not at all. But his racist, sexist, homophobic, and xenophobic audience will buy it. Gullible much?)

"I could be brought up on charges..."
Yeah. If you claim someone did something, you can be sued for defamation, and if you can't prove the claim is true, you will be condemned as well. No disclaimers or your daddy's money can save you from that. Just look at all the memoirs out there, and how many people have been sued for defamation over "their opinion". But, luckily for you, no-one cares what you have to say.

I hate the "Do not continue reading this book if you don’t blah blah blah" crap. That's just trying to cover your tracks even before you start doing something that needs covering up. The truth is that if I don't find you funny it's not because I don't have a sense of humor, it's because you aren't funny.

"---are American but somehow, magically, Donald Trump is not your president"
Hmm... How many times I have heard "Barack Obama is not my president", and how many times will I hear "Joe Biden is not my president"? 

And then he lists "offensive things" that aren't offensive, and not a lot of people have opposed any of those things.
He tries to tell people to stop reading this book, and we all know everyone will ignore that part. Why is it in this book? Is this supposed to be another joke?

If there are socialists in the Congress, that is the people's choice and will. If it's not yours, no-one cares. You are not the only American in USA.

"allowed anti-Semitism to run rampant throughout our government" and half your racist, sexist, homophobic, and xenophobic audience threw out the book.
BTW I'm 100% sure of that what you mean with "anti-Semitism" is not antisemitism. It should be written "antisemitism", because it is a specific concept. It is a very specific concept. And it has nothing to do with Israel. I think I have talked quite a lot about the issue in this blog.

"We've allowed our most important media institutions to be run by angry mobs and leftist activist “journalists” on Twitter"

You have ALLOWED? You have ALLOWED people to practice their first amendment rights?

They don't need your permission to run media institutions. They are private corporations, who run themselves as they themselves choose, and if you wish to keep running your private company as you please, don't try to entice your dad's deplorable mob into trying to control things that are not yours to be controlled.

The same way, if you want the rightist activist "journalists" to speak - and tweet - you don't try to limit anyone else's liberty to express themselves. It was only some 100 words ago you were whining about being scared of it becoming illegal to discuss ideas, and now you are screaming about other people discussing ideas, just because they trigger you. *sigh*
Typical contard.

"we have completely ceded control of what we can and cannot say in public".
If that was true, this book would never have been published, and you, your dad, and your deplorables would have been banned from the social media.

"My father says a place is infested with rats, the mob cries racism."

Had that been the only thing he said, and had he spoken of a place that was really infested with rats, no-one would have reacted. But that wasn't what he did, now, was it?

"My father says he likes taco bowls from Trump Tower, the left cries racism." 

Again, that wasn't the only thing he said. Also, most people decried hypocrisy. "I love Hispanics, as long as they stay out of USA, except I love all the things we can appropriate from them and the best "taco bowl" is the whitewashed bland version. With absolutely no vegetables."

"Since my father announced his run for the presidency, screaming racism has become the Easy button of left-wing politics, just like in those old Staples commercials."

Well, the Easy Button is a great invention, but it's a really bad analogy. And "the liberal “trump card"... *sigh* That doesn't work either.
You know why people are screaming racism? BECAUSE YOUR DAD KEEPS SPOUTING IT. 

You know, just because people you don't like keep saying something, it doesn't mean it's not true.

I know the Trump way of dealing with problems is to ignore it doesn't exist. "Covid, covid, covid, come 4th of November, it doesn't exist any longer!"

Sorry, still exists and still kills people and you still do nothing. 

"The problem with using racism as a label for everything you don’t like, of course, is that racism is still a real problem that persists in this country. Real people face real racism every day. "

Oh... it almost sounds as if you cared.
Wait a minute... what are you referring to? What is this racism you are thinking about now? "Racism" against white people.
Ah, now I understand. Yes, he truly cares.

The Democrats have been calling racism when they see it - and your daddy has been a generous provider in that - and you keep denying it every time when a Democrat calls it, because it's a Democrat calling it, and you keep creating these strawmen "math is hard - RACISM!"
(Math isn't hard but you don't know what's 17 times 6, even though you've had 14 years to count it out. But I suppose you think I'm being unfair bringing that up now, and it's because I'm racist against rich little white boys like you.)

"And when you use it as a buzzword to try to win a losing argument, it does a disservice to those who live under it. People have become numb."

Not people who know what racism is and who live under it every day. Like Elijah Cummings, Bernard C. Jack Young, John Lewis, and Victor Blackwell, who all called the attack on Congressman Elijah Cummings racism. But I suppose, the victims of racism don't get to call racism, it's only you. You know better than Black people what disservices them.

About "trying to win a losing argument"... it's only "losing argument" because you fight dirty. If you actually followed the rules, and discussed with facts, we would win.

Just look at this book! Only a couple of pages in, and there's lies, unsupported claims, strawmen, red herrings, oversimplifying, personal attacks, whining...

And all those "we are not allowed..." Who's stopping you? Nobody.
And you are supposed to be a brave citizen who dares to speak of things no-one dares to speak. Pitiful.

"Even what passed for rather amazing comedy just a few years ago is now considered offensive and regressive by the left."

I don't think that has ever passed for "rather amazing comedy", but times change. People don't laugh at things they laughed 10 years ago, 20 years ago, 50 years ago. Although your daddy probably does. He probably thinks mister Yunioshi is funny. You probably think he's funny, and don't understand why some people think it's racist.
Dave Chappelle has grown old and cynical and isn't funny any longer.
So what is this "online outrage mob" doing? They say they don't like his show.
Oh the horror.

Let's talk about "cancel culture".
In 2003, Natalie Maines of the Dixie Chicks said "We do not want this war, this violence, and we're ashamed that the President of the United States is from Texas."
They were "canceled".
She apologized FOUR DAYS LATER, but the audience didn't care. THE CONSERVATIVE AUDIENCE. The boycott continued, they received death threats.
So for Donald Trump jr. to whine about cancel culture - yeah, sure. Remove the beam from your own damned eye, you hypocrite.

"“wokeness” (I’ll explain these terms as we go)"

I wonder if he does. It's not that hard. Being woke is being aware of issues, especially social and racial justice issues.

"Anything that makes the veins in a few liberal foreheads bulge out is fine by me."

That's about it. He's trying hard to piss people off for the sake of pissing people off.
Interestingly enough, an internet troll is a person who starts flame wars or intentionally upsets people on the Internet by posting inflammatory and digressive, extraneous, or off-topic messages.
Donald Trump jr. openly admits being a troll and his book being trolling.

Sorry, but I'm not trolled. I'm just bored.

(- So why are you reading the book and posting your reactions? This much reactions because you are bored?
- Yeah. This much reactions, because the best way to meet trolls is to publish accurate information and counter their lies. It would be nice to have some Contards coming in here and reacting, so that I get more material, maybe some of them could even discuss some issues, but more than that I assume SOMEONE reads this and thinks over what I said, and maybe gets off the cult and starts thinking for themselves. Come on, you keep asking for someone to take on your claims, and I'm doing it. Rational, reasonable, realistic, real, honest, open, fact-based discourse. Don't cower out now. Bah. He's gone. Typical.)

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