I read a funny little Nazi article.
"Jews have alien characteristics and morality."
- James Buchanan
I have no idea who James Buchanan is, as he likes to spout his opinion, but doesn't tell much more about himself. I think it's rather fair to think he's white, Christian and Republican, and follows Fox news. James, if any of my assumptions is wrong, please correct me. :-)
Christianity, as we all know, has developed from Judaism. Practically all the rulings and morality from the Tanakh - or Old Testament, if you'd like to use the Christian name to the Hebrew Scripture - has been kept, the only new addition - again, if you'd like to use the Christian definition of their religion - is Jesus as savior. If Jim finds the Jewish morality "alien", he shouldn't be Christian.
"Most White people would be perfectly happy to live in an all-White society", but that didn't stop them from importing thousands of Africans and South-Americans to work as slaves back in the 16th, 17th and 18th century. Those Africans and South-Americans were perfectly happy living in all black or red society, just as the Native Americans were, before the white people came and took their land, property, freedom and lives.
BTW, I'm white (perhaps even more white than you are, Jim, because there is not even a possibility of some non-white ancestors with me, but you being a USonian are LIKELY to have some "discoloring" of blood...) and I'm perfectly happy to live in a diverse, multicultural society. In fact, I prefer living in a diverse community.
"The Jews have been expelled from every nation in Europe at least once. The Jews don’t want to admit that one nation after another has expelled them as “undesirables.”
Where does Jim dig his information from? His donkey? That just isn't true. How do I know? I'm sure Stormfront knows details like this very, very well :->
Also, if you look at WHY they were expelled... it wasn't because they were Jews, but because they were not Christians.
If you believe the Protocols of the Elders of Zion to be a true accounting, then you have to be against television, media, public entertainment, movies, Olympics and all the other competitions in sports and art, the police, money, banks, alcohol, liberty, equality and fraternity, as all these are Jewish inventions created to control you. You should also be for aristocracy, and believe it would have been better for USA to stay British American colonies, under the secure council of God chosen Regent.
"On the ruins of the natural and genealogical aristocracy of the goyim we have set up the aristocracy of our educated class headed by the aristocracy of money."
- protocol No.1
I think it would be just swell if you sent all the Jews and everything ever invented or improved by the Jews to Israel.
That is, among other things: Jeans, Lipstick, the Ballpoint Pen, Contraceptives, Instant Coffee, Television Remote Control, Traffic Lights, Scotchguard, the Flexistraw, Stainless Steel, The Atomic Bomb, the Thermonuclear Bomb, Genetic Engineering, the Nuclear Chain Reactor, Virtual Reality, Hollywood, Broadway, Musicals, the Sit-Com, the Long Playing Record, Woodstock, Sound Movies, Videotape, Color Television, Instant Photography, Holography, Psychoanalysis, the Theory of Relativity, the Weekend, Cheesecake, Cafeterias, Discount Stores, Pawn Shops, the Shopping Cart and the Ready-to-Wear Clothing Industry, Prozac, Valium, The Polio Vaccine, Radiation, Chemotherapy, the Artificial Kidney Dialysis machine, the Defibrillator, the Cardiac Pacemaker, Vaccination against Hepatitis B virus, the Vaccinating Needle, Laser Technology, Quantum mechanics and Google, Fax, the Microphone, the Gramophone, the Microchip (and that way computers and mobile phones and countless of other modern technology), Optical Fiber Cable, Laser, Cellular Technology, the Videotape Recorder, the Pager, the Walkie-talkie, Refrigerated Railroad Car, High-vacuum Electron Tubes, the Incandescent Lamp, Kodachrome Film, the Blimp, the Adding Machine, Tapered Roller Bearings...
What I find really amusing with all these "white power anti diversity" idiots is that
they cannot use the personal computers or anything connected with them, meaning the internet without being traitors to their cause. It was the Jews who made all this possible. Not only Jews, of course, but without microchip I wouldn't be sitting here with my laptop :-D
It's thanks to non-white people we have letters and know how to write and read. Even runes originate from the Phoenician letters.
It's thanks to non-white people we have paper, ink and book print.
The "white way" of communicating is by speech. I suppose you could use the telephone and wireless...
But, never mind, let's send all the Jews with their malicious inventions created just to make the world easier to control to Israel. After all, there's just about 13 million of them, they can fit nicely in Israel. I'm sure Hollywood can fit in Negev... and I don't think the Israelis would mind getting all the income. I'm sure there's place for Silicon Valley there too, somewhere, and it's just fair and honest to broadcast to the whole world that computers and internet are part of the nasty Jews' effort to take over the world.
I am also quite certain that Israel welcomes all the Jewish Nobel Prize winners and accepts the revenue their inventions create as part of the national income. It really is a shame that these people are allowed to bring in revenues to good white universities and thus infect all the future scientists with their poison... Except that... isn't the idea of a University very Jewish by nature, if not by origin? The idea of learning, focus on knowledge... and they did study Jewish scriptures in the early universities, reading and writing, and other such non-white ideas... I have to say, better be on the safe side and send all the universities to Israel as well. Can't think of anything connected to Universities that would not fit the plan presented in the PEZ.
After all, what do "white people" do with such things as medicine, physics, chemistry and literature anyway? The "white medicine" is enough for the "white man" - herbs, sauna (the Finnish), alcohol, tar and blood letting took well care of the White People already at the Middle Ages, what do the White Man does with some non-white ideas like surgery and vaccination? Let the God given diseases take care of the weak and unworthy to live, as it was meant to be.
Nevertheless, I fully agree that all the foreign influences all around the world should be send "back home" where their ancestors once came from. The home of the White People is Europe. Not North America, not Australia, not Africa nor Asia. Europe, and only Europe. Tough luck, Jimmy-boy. Your ancestors should have let the red people live with other red people, and not forced their unwanted presence on people of other color. Come home, and then you can start yapping about "foreign influences" and against multiculturalism and diversity :-D You are living on someone else's land, and that land doesn't belong to White People.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Why Palestine should be recognized
These are just loose thoughts I have been playing with, based on the "stupid" idea that people appreciate peace more than some material things like "who lives in the place my great-grandfather planted his olive trees", and that the national self determination is more important than nationalism.
The most important reason is naturally that Palestine wants to be an independent state. I am all for the national self determination, how ever one defines the nation. But there are other reasons, reasons that would be beneficial for the whole world and humankind.
As it is now, there has never been an independent state of Palestine. This is the reason to why there are a number of UN security council resolutions concerning Israel but none concerning the state of Palestine. To remove this unbalance, we need to have an independent Palestine.
Israel must stop the violations of human rights and remove all the roadblocks and Jewish settlements inside Palestine, whether Palestine is independent or not. It might be easier for Israel to do, if it was compensated in other areas.
Of course, Palestine would have to follow the suit and remove all the Palestinian settlements inside Israel and give up all the demands to Israeli lands and "right to return".
That would solve the Palestinian refugee problem once and for all. UNRWA would not be needed anymore, which would save thousands of dollars of UN money, and the "Palestinian refugee camps" would be recognized as the villages, towns and cities they are.
As it is now, Israel is holding hundreds of Palestinians prisoners. Feeding and housing these people are costing a lot to the Israeli government. If Palestine was independent, they could just send these people home.
Of course, Palestine would need to send back the Israelis they are holding, among others Gilad Shalit. About 2/3 of Israelis think no price is too high to get him back home, so the Israeli government would win a huge political victory.
Also, if Israel releases the Palestinian prisoners as normal prisoner exchange between two independent states, it would not give the message to terrorists that it is a good idea to kidnap Israelis.
Domestic terrorism is quite different issue than foreign terrorism or acts of war between two independent states. If Palestine was an independent state, recognised by the world community, there would be different expectations and rules concerning Israel-Palestine relations. An independent Palestine would act as an automatic peace treaty, and every hostile act after that would be considered as initiating hostilities, not as act of self-defense. If Palestine was independent, every rocket, every bullet, even stones thrown over the border, would be acts of war, could be taken as declaration of war, which would give Israel right to defend itself. The same way, every Israeli transgression over the border would be act of war as well.
There is only one problem here. The UN partition plan as well as the pre-1967 borders are both unacceptable.
Whole Judea should belong to the Jews (by the "It's called PALESTINE" logic). (Judea's Northern border goes from Mediterranean to Jordan at Jerusalem's height). Gaza doesn't belong to Judea, as it is the original Philistea (Palestine). This way the Jews would get the control of their two holiest cities, Jerusalem and Hebron. The Muslims have Mecca and Medina, their Holiest cities, so it's just fair that the Jews have the Jewish Holiest cities.
Palestinians should get Galilee up to Syrian border, and thus control most of the Christian holy sites, like Bethlehem, Nazareth, Lake Gennesaret, Magdala and "Armageddon" (Megiddo) and thus get all the tourist income from the Christian Holy Land tourists. They would also get the control of the most important water sources of the whole Levant; Golan, Nablus Giboa (Northern Mountain Aquifer), Sea of Galilee and upper Jordan (upper Western Mountain Aquifer).
This would not only give them the control of water, but a bigger and better land than what they would lose to Israel. The Southern areas of current West-Bank are mostly rocky mountains
As Galilee gives Israel more than half of its water, Israel should get a full control of Yarkon-Tanninim (Western Mountain Aquifer) and lower Jordan (lower Western Mountain Aquifer). Full control means in this case that the borders need to be drawn so the whole area where the aquifer lies belongs to respective countries, so that one country cannot deplete or destroy the water for the other. The Coastal Aquifer would be shared with Gaza, as it is today.
That would also obsolete Israel's water deal with Jordan, Syria and Palestine, and Jordan, Syria and Israel would need to negotiate with Palestinians about that issue. Sitting on the main water resources of the whole area would give Palestinians very good negotiation ground.
Now, I'm really worried about this, because the Palestinians haven't shown much ability of managing the scarce water resources they have - it has been more "this way it has always been done, even when there were 1/10 of people living in this area, and this is the way we will do it for ever more, even when we are slowly poisoning the water resources". If they follow that thinking, they will be sitting on poison in 10 years, in stead of something really valuable. But, who knows. The water resources of Levant are not enough for the population as it is, so we need to find ways of cleaning water in any case. We need desalination plants for Negev and Gaza, and find a way to adjust the Fremen water policies for the rest of Levant. (Fremens are the invented people from the desert planet Arrakis, from Frank Herbert's scifi classic The Dune. Their water policy involves circulating all water - including your urine, tears, sweat, saliva and the tiny amount of water in your breath.) Israelis are rather brilliant in finding solutions to problems of this kind, and if they lost the aquifers of Galilee, they would have to use this brilliance and the money given to them by USA to create water technology, not war technology.
Also, it would fall to Egypt to see Gazans get what they need, and Syria and Jordan to see Palestine gets what it needs, if Israel became an equal neighbor in stead of a suzerain "occupier". That would also make the wall acceptable in principle, as it would then be a "normal" border wall. One independent state has no obligations to allow the citizens of another independent state to cross the border to work or tend their lands. The wall needs to come down anyway, because it's in wrong place. If Israel gets the Western Mountain Aquifer as compensation for the loss of the rich water resources of Northern Israel - which they should - the wall would be in Israeli territory, and not on the border of Israel and Palestine.
Now, I don't think people are ready to look at Israel-Palestine from an intelligent point of view. There's too much emotions involved, and too many people use the situation as political game piece, totally in spite of all the misery caused by this. If people were just a little bit more interested in peace and development, life and the common good, in stead of history, Nazi "Greater Homeland" ideology, stubborn insisting of how things should be done (Come on! 1967 borders? I am a middle aged woman and I wasn't even born then. Neither was 2/3 of Palestinians.) in stead of trying to find totally new, better and more functional solutions, and mourning over past unjustices, whining and complaining, and demanding compensation for something that happened long ago.
If Shoah doesn't count, Nakba doesn't count either.
If Galut doesn't count, neither does al-Shatat.

As it is now, there has never been an independent state of Palestine. This is the reason to why there are a number of UN security council resolutions concerning Israel but none concerning the state of Palestine. To remove this unbalance, we need to have an independent Palestine.
Israel must stop the violations of human rights and remove all the roadblocks and Jewish settlements inside Palestine, whether Palestine is independent or not. It might be easier for Israel to do, if it was compensated in other areas.
Of course, Palestine would have to follow the suit and remove all the Palestinian settlements inside Israel and give up all the demands to Israeli lands and "right to return".
That would solve the Palestinian refugee problem once and for all. UNRWA would not be needed anymore, which would save thousands of dollars of UN money, and the "Palestinian refugee camps" would be recognized as the villages, towns and cities they are.
As it is now, Israel is holding hundreds of Palestinians prisoners. Feeding and housing these people are costing a lot to the Israeli government. If Palestine was independent, they could just send these people home.
Of course, Palestine would need to send back the Israelis they are holding, among others Gilad Shalit. About 2/3 of Israelis think no price is too high to get him back home, so the Israeli government would win a huge political victory.
Also, if Israel releases the Palestinian prisoners as normal prisoner exchange between two independent states, it would not give the message to terrorists that it is a good idea to kidnap Israelis.
Domestic terrorism is quite different issue than foreign terrorism or acts of war between two independent states. If Palestine was an independent state, recognised by the world community, there would be different expectations and rules concerning Israel-Palestine relations. An independent Palestine would act as an automatic peace treaty, and every hostile act after that would be considered as initiating hostilities, not as act of self-defense. If Palestine was independent, every rocket, every bullet, even stones thrown over the border, would be acts of war, could be taken as declaration of war, which would give Israel right to defend itself. The same way, every Israeli transgression over the border would be act of war as well.
There is only one problem here. The UN partition plan as well as the pre-1967 borders are both unacceptable.
Whole Judea should belong to the Jews (by the "It's called PALESTINE" logic). (Judea's Northern border goes from Mediterranean to Jordan at Jerusalem's height). Gaza doesn't belong to Judea, as it is the original Philistea (Palestine). This way the Jews would get the control of their two holiest cities, Jerusalem and Hebron. The Muslims have Mecca and Medina, their Holiest cities, so it's just fair that the Jews have the Jewish Holiest cities.
Palestinians should get Galilee up to Syrian border, and thus control most of the Christian holy sites, like Bethlehem, Nazareth, Lake Gennesaret, Magdala and "Armageddon" (Megiddo) and thus get all the tourist income from the Christian Holy Land tourists. They would also get the control of the most important water sources of the whole Levant; Golan, Nablus Giboa (Northern Mountain Aquifer), Sea of Galilee and upper Jordan (upper Western Mountain Aquifer).
This would not only give them the control of water, but a bigger and better land than what they would lose to Israel. The Southern areas of current West-Bank are mostly rocky mountains
As Galilee gives Israel more than half of its water, Israel should get a full control of Yarkon-Tanninim (Western Mountain Aquifer) and lower Jordan (lower Western Mountain Aquifer). Full control means in this case that the borders need to be drawn so the whole area where the aquifer lies belongs to respective countries, so that one country cannot deplete or destroy the water for the other. The Coastal Aquifer would be shared with Gaza, as it is today.
That would also obsolete Israel's water deal with Jordan, Syria and Palestine, and Jordan, Syria and Israel would need to negotiate with Palestinians about that issue. Sitting on the main water resources of the whole area would give Palestinians very good negotiation ground.
Now, I'm really worried about this, because the Palestinians haven't shown much ability of managing the scarce water resources they have - it has been more "this way it has always been done, even when there were 1/10 of people living in this area, and this is the way we will do it for ever more, even when we are slowly poisoning the water resources". If they follow that thinking, they will be sitting on poison in 10 years, in stead of something really valuable. But, who knows. The water resources of Levant are not enough for the population as it is, so we need to find ways of cleaning water in any case. We need desalination plants for Negev and Gaza, and find a way to adjust the Fremen water policies for the rest of Levant. (Fremens are the invented people from the desert planet Arrakis, from Frank Herbert's scifi classic The Dune. Their water policy involves circulating all water - including your urine, tears, sweat, saliva and the tiny amount of water in your breath.) Israelis are rather brilliant in finding solutions to problems of this kind, and if they lost the aquifers of Galilee, they would have to use this brilliance and the money given to them by USA to create water technology, not war technology.
Also, it would fall to Egypt to see Gazans get what they need, and Syria and Jordan to see Palestine gets what it needs, if Israel became an equal neighbor in stead of a suzerain "occupier". That would also make the wall acceptable in principle, as it would then be a "normal" border wall. One independent state has no obligations to allow the citizens of another independent state to cross the border to work or tend their lands. The wall needs to come down anyway, because it's in wrong place. If Israel gets the Western Mountain Aquifer as compensation for the loss of the rich water resources of Northern Israel - which they should - the wall would be in Israeli territory, and not on the border of Israel and Palestine.
Now, I don't think people are ready to look at Israel-Palestine from an intelligent point of view. There's too much emotions involved, and too many people use the situation as political game piece, totally in spite of all the misery caused by this. If people were just a little bit more interested in peace and development, life and the common good, in stead of history, Nazi "Greater Homeland" ideology, stubborn insisting of how things should be done (Come on! 1967 borders? I am a middle aged woman and I wasn't even born then. Neither was 2/3 of Palestinians.) in stead of trying to find totally new, better and more functional solutions, and mourning over past unjustices, whining and complaining, and demanding compensation for something that happened long ago.
If Shoah doesn't count, Nakba doesn't count either.
If Galut doesn't count, neither does al-Shatat.
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