Imagine that the European invaders would have taken the Native North American nations to Europe. During the time of your absense the Native South American nations invaded your country. After some 2000 years you are "graciously given" Maryland, which you should be sharing with the descendants of the invaders, because they and their families have been living there for 2000 years.
Whose land is it, really?
Should you really need to share Maryland with the invaders?
Would you be European or Native American?
THAT is the situation in Middle East we are talking about.
So the people of Lakota has suffered about 3 times as long as the people of Palestine... but you have still 1750 years to go to reach the record set by the Jewish people. They were forced from their homeland and forced to live in servitude in foreign lands for 1900 years, forced to live in concentration camps called ghettos - or REAL concentration camps - experiencing wanton massacres and extrajudicial killings, abduction of their children and women, their beliefs, practices and culture outlawed, their rights heavily restricted, their holy artefacts burned, their ancestral holy places desecrated and destroyed, and when they finally after 1900 years were allowed to return to their ancestral home, they are called "greedy occupiers, invaders, thiefs of land" by the invaders...
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